Wednesday 26 November 2014


Yesterday, in class, we talked about the importance of 25 November, and the need to remember women killed by their partners or ex-partners. We also concluded that we still have long way to go before equality between men and women becomes a reality.
Finally, we watched some videos on the topic, but we didn´t have time to watch the following, which I recommmend you to see now. 

Friday 21 November 2014

14th November, 2014


Here you have last Fridays song. Sorry for the delay, but I really couldn´t post it before. As you know, it was chosen by Marina (thank you Marina) and, apparently, you liked it a lot. So, I would be very grateful if you can comment on  it. Did you really like it? Why (not)?

This week´s Friday song is for homework. Here you have my proposal. Will you answer the following questions? (You can either write the answers in "comments" or bring them to class on Tuesday)
1. Who is this song by? (Explain in two lines who the singers/band are)
2. This is the theme song of a very famous film. Actually, the video is made of scenes from the film. Do you recognize it?
3. If you have seen the film, can you briefly explain what it is about? (two lines)
4. In you opinion, what is the song about? What are the singer´s feelings? (two lines)

Thursday 13 November 2014

To cellebrate Halloween night, 1BACH students wrote some very creepy stories. Using, as inspiration, a sentence given by the teacher (sentences taken from extracts in different books, graffiti drawings on walls, etc.) they created some really original stories. Those we have selected are among the best:

- The Horror Film by Raquel Fernández Pérez.
- The Mannequins by Karen Domínguez Pérez.
- Shadow of a Mad Man by Germán Santos Prada.

Monday 3 November 2014

Last 30th October we revisited The History of Halloween in 1BACH class. After watching a video and answering some questions related to it, we chose some introductory sentences to start some creative, creepy horror stories. I´m looking forward to reading them!

Friday 17 October 2014



Thank you Ada and Cristina, for choosing, and preparing, this great song for today´s class. It gives us the chance to talk about some important events in the history of Ireland. 
You can, as usual, comment on the song´s lyrics or video as you see fit. However, I would like to ask a simple question that you could answer easily. Here it goes: The song talks about "...the same old thing since 1916...". What happened in Ireland in 1916?